React Router Crash Course | Chai aur react #12 Summary

React Router Crash Course | Chai aur react #12 Summary

In this video, we explored React Router DOM, an essential library for adding navigation to React applications without reloading the page.

  1. React Router Basics:

    • React Router DOM allows us to handle different routes in a React app efficiently, making navigation seamless without reloading the entire page.

    • We created a project with multiple components like Home, About, Contact, and GitHub. These components acted as different screens for our app.

  2. Layout Structure:

    • We set up a Header and Footer to remain static across all pages, while the content in between changes depending on the route.

    • We used the Outlet component from React Router DOM to dynamically load the correct page content between the header and footer.

    • The main layout logic was handled in layout.js, which we set up as the primary structure for the app.

  3. Routing Setup:

    • In the main.js file, we defined the different routes using React Router’s Route element, specifying which component to load for each route.

    • We learned two ways to set up routes: using an array of route objects or using JSX-based route elements.

  4. Navigation with Links:

    • Instead of using regular anchor (<a>) tags that reload the page, we used React Router’s Link component to enable navigation without reloading.

    • We also explored NavLink, which provides extra functionality like highlighting the active route. This is useful for showing which page is currently active in the navigation bar.

  5. Loader Functionality:

    • The Loader feature helps pre-fetch data before navigating to a new page, improving user experience by reducing waiting time after clicking.

    • When a user hovers over a link, the data is fetched in advance, so when they actually click on it, the page loads almost instantly.

  6. Handling Route Params:

    • We used useParams to extract dynamic parameters from the URL, making it easier to handle routes that rely on data like user IDs or post slugs.
  7. Optimization Tips:

    • Always provide a unique key when rendering lists of elements to help React efficiently re-render the correct components.

    • Using useLoaderData allows us to access the data fetched by the loader in a specific route, ensuring the right data is used for each component.

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