Building a react project | bgChanger | Chai aur react tutorial #9 Summary

Building a react project | bgChanger | Chai aur react tutorial #9 Summary

This is the summary of video based on what i have learnt from this video


2 min read

Watch - Chai aur react #9

  1. React Setup with Vite:

    • You started by setting up a new React project using Vite (a modern build tool that's fast and lightweight).
  2. Tailwind CSS for Styling:

    • Tailwind was integrated for styling, making it easier to handle CSS directly in JSX with utility-first classes.
  3. useState for State Management:

    • You used the useState hook to manage the background color of the screen. The initial state is set to black, and when a button is clicked, the state is updated with the corresponding color.
  4. Event Handling:

    • You added onClick event handlers to buttons, which change the state (background color) to the color of the clicked button.
  5. Rendering and Styling:

    • When the state changes, the background color of the entire screen changes accordingly.

Clarifications and Reinforcements:

  • useState for Re-rendering: Each time you click a button, setState triggers a re-render of the component, applying the new background color to the screen. This is an important behavior to understand, as React components automatically re-render when their state changes.

  • onClick Event Handlers: The onClick event in React ensures that each button can individually update the state, making it possible to change the background color dynamically.

Imagining the Process:

  • Initial Load: Screen background is black (default state).

  • Button Click: When you click, for example, a blue button, the background changes to blue because the state gets updated with the color value of the button.

This project is a great example of how React works with useState to manage dynamic changes in the UI based on user interaction. It also shows how Tailwind can help simplify styling while keeping your code clean.

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