Create a Custom Hook and Currency Converter Project | Chai aur React #11 Summary

Create a Custom Hook and Currency Converter Project | Chai aur React #11 Summary

This is the summary of the video


1 min read

In this video, we built a Currency Converter project and explored the creation of custom hooks. Here's what we covered:

  1. Project Setup:

    • Set up a new React project with Tailwind CSS.
  2. Custom Hook:

    • Purpose: Fetch and manage currency data.

    • Functionality: Retrieves data from a primary API with a fallback option. Handles errors and returns data through a state hook.

  3. Component Design:

    • Created a reusable input box component for selecting currencies.

    • Used props to make the component dynamic.

  4. useId Hook:

    • Generates unique IDs for elements, useful for handling multiple instances.
  5. Performance Optimization:

    • Added key props for list items to enhance rendering performance.

Key Learnings:

  • How to build and use custom hooks.

  • Managing API data with error handling and fallbacks.

  • Creating reusable, dynamic components.

  • Optimizing performance with keys and unique IDs.

This project reinforced our understanding of React hooks and component design while applying Tailwind CSS for styling.
