Create a Custom Hook and Currency Converter Project | Chai aur React #11 Summary
This is the summary of the video
In this video, we built a Currency Converter project and explored the creation of custom hooks. Here's what we covered:
Project Setup:
- Set up a new React project with Tailwind CSS.
Custom Hook:
Purpose: Fetch and manage currency data.
Functionality: Retrieves data from a primary API with a fallback option. Handles errors and returns data through a state hook.
Component Design:
Created a reusable input box component for selecting currencies.
Used props to make the component dynamic.
Hook:- Generates unique IDs for elements, useful for handling multiple instances.
Performance Optimization:
- Added
props for list items to enhance rendering performance.
- Added
Key Learnings:
How to build and use custom hooks.
Managing API data with error handling and fallbacks.
Creating reusable, dynamic components.
Optimizing performance with keys and unique IDs.
This project reinforced our understanding of React hooks and component design while applying Tailwind CSS for styling.